Event-driven programming is a programming paradigm, where the execution flow is handled by events. Event-driven programming is mostly used in applications that require response to the outside world; examples of events include sensor outputs, user actions, messages from other programs, or computers.


We define an event as an action that software must react to. Typically, an event has an external origin and is asynchronous. We mean by asynchronous, software and events need to interact, but we don’t when (Rouse, 2019).

Events can be confused with concepts such as exceptions and interruptions. First, we mean by the term exception the abbreviation of “exceptional event” (Oracle, 1995). Thus, exceptions are a subset of events. An event can be expected or unexpected. The movement of a mouse is an example of an expected event, that mean that we are expecting that action to happen, but we don’t know when. A division by zero is an unexpected event, or exception.

There is not consensus if interrupts are or not a subset of exceptions. Some authors propose that exceptions should come from the inside of the processor (Chiarulli, 2005). On the other hand, an interrupt is an unexpected event originated outside the processor. Some other authors see interrupts as a subset of exceptions (Arm, 2010).

Event handling

There are different mechanisms to handle events. There are hardware mechanisms, operating system mechanisms and programming-language mechanisms.

At the hardware level, we have interrupts. An interrupt is only an electrical signal that request the attention of the CPU. If the request is accepted, the CPU will interrupt the current process and branch to an interrupt service routine or handler. When the handler completes its execution, the CPU will resume the original process.

At the operating-system level, we have signals; A signal is like an interrupt, but in software. Another mechanism is polling; that means that the event is detected by the operating system, but the handling is executed by a user process; the synchronization between the operating system and the process is handled by a semaphore or flag.

At the programming-language level, there are languages such C++ or Java that have instructions to handle events, such as try/catch/throw.

Finally, when a language doesn’t support directly event handling, there are frameworks. Frameworks use inversion of control, through callback functions. These functions allow to the programmer to set the required behavior to the event, without requiring how the event is detected. Examples are some engines of JavaScript and MBED.

Example in MBED

MBED uses inversion of control at several levels. We will show an example using some of those levels. You will find the code of the example at the MBED repository.

This program handles four distinct events through callbacks:

  • Reception of a character through the serial port,
  • Press of the user button,
  • Setting of a variable, and
  • Reading of a variable.

The whole idea is to have different reaction of the system without blocking or interfering each other. This code depends on MBED and the mydsc library.

Firstly, we have two different sources of events, the serial port and the user button.

Serial      serial  (USBTX, USBRX);
InterruptIn button  (USER_BUTTON);

In order to communicate with the main process, we will use two semaphores:

volatile bool semaphore_input = false;
volatile bool semaphore_button = false;

These semaphores are declared as volatile, in order to disallow the compiler to optimize the variable handling. This is because their respective callback or the main process may change their value.

Because we have four different events, we require four different callbacks. The first callback will receive a character and will inserted character in a string. This process will be repeated with each received character, until the callback receives an end-of-line character (015, in octal); then the callback changes the value of the semaphore variable, signaling to the main process to read the whole line.

void on_rx()
    static char c;
    static unsigned index = 0;

    c = serial.getc();
    message[index] = c;
    message[index] = '\0';
    if ((END_OF_LINE == c) || (MESSAGE_MAX_LEN+1) == index) {
        semaphore_input = true;
        index = 0;

The main process reacts to the semaphore in the main loop, handling the character string with help strcpy, strtok, and strcmp of the C standard library for string handling. This is a very straightforward command interpreter.

    while(1) {
        // Loop

        if (semaphore_input == true) {
            semaphore_input = false;
            strcpy(command_buffer, strtok(message," \015"));
            if (strcmp(command_buffer, "set") == 0) {
                strcpy(key_buffer, strtok(NULL," \015"));
                strcpy(value_buffer, strtok(NULL, " \015"));
                result = mydsc_kvp_set_value(&kvp, key_buffer, value_buffer);
                if (result != MYDSC_SUCCESS)
                    serial.printf("\r\nError: %s", mydsc_error[result]);
            else if (strcmp(command_buffer,"get") == 0) {
                strcpy(key_buffer, strtok(NULL," \015"));
                value = mydsc_kvp_get_value(&kvp,key_buffer);
                if (NULL != value)
                    serial.printf("\r\n%s", value);
                    serial.printf("\r\nError: %s", mydsc_error[MYDSC_KVP_NO_KEY]);
                else if (strcmp(command_buffer,"help") == 0) {
                    serial.printf("\r\nAvailable commands are: get help set");
                serial.printf("\r\nError: %s doesn't exist\r\n", command_buffer);
           serial.printf("\r\nOk > ");

The second callback defines the reaction to pressing the user button. It will switch the state of the corresponding semaphore. Also, it will print a line on the terminal, showing the state of the semaphore.

void on_user_button()
    semaphore_button = !semaphore_button;
    serial.printf("\r\n%s\r\nOk > ", (semaphore_button? "Paused": "Running"));

The semaphore will signal to the main loop to pause or continue the count down.

    while(1) {
        // Loop
       if (!semaphore_button)

The third callback will be called when the interpreter receives the command “get”, so it sends the value of the variable delay as a string.

char* get_delay(void)
    static char value[VALUE_SIZE];

    sprintf(value, "%lu", delay);
    return value;

As for the fourth callback, it will be called when the interpreter requires change the value of the variable delay.

int set_delay(char* value)
    sscanf(value, "%lu", &delay);
    return MYDSC_SUCCESS;


In order to use the callbacks, they must be registered with their respective frameworks or libraries. The callbacks on_rx() and and on_user_button() should be registered with their corresponding instances of the classes Serial and InterruptIn of MBED. On the other hand, get_delay() and set_delay() are registered with the key-value-pair library of mydsc.

int main()


    // Setup


    // Setting the callbacks up

    serial.attach(&on_rx, Serial::RxIrq);


    mydsc_kvp_append(&kvp, "delay",  &get_delay, &set_delay);



The code of the whole example is showed in the next listing.

#include "mbed.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "ctype.h"

#include "mydsc_kvp.h"
#include "mydsc_error.h"

// Hardware Interface
DigitalOut  led     (LED1);
Serial      serial  (USBTX, USBRX);
InterruptIn button  (USER_BUTTON);

// Behavior interface
const unsigned          MESSAGE_MAX_LEN = 126;
const char              END_OF_LINE     = 015;
const unsigned          VALUE_SIZE      = 128;
const unsigned short    BUFFER_SIZE     = 128;

unsigned long delay = 5000000UL;
char message[MESSAGE_MAX_LEN+2];

volatile bool semaphore_input = false;
volatile bool semaphore_button = false;

// This set of functions are callbacks
void on_rx()
    static char c;
    static unsigned index = 0;

    c = serial.getc();
    message[index] = c;
    message[index] = '\0';
    if ((END_OF_LINE == c) || (MESSAGE_MAX_LEN+1) == index) {
        semaphore_input = true;
        index = 0;

void on_user_button()
    semaphore_button = !semaphore_button;
    serial.printf("\r\n%s\r\nOk > ", (semaphore_button? "Paused": "Running"));

char* get_delay(void)
    static char value[VALUE_SIZE];

    sprintf(value, "%lu", delay);
    return value;

int set_delay(char* value)
    sscanf(value, "%lu", &delay);
    return MYDSC_SUCCESS;

int main()
    // Setup
    static char     command_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
    static char     key_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
    static char     value_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
    long unsigned   delay_count = delay;

    Serial      serial(USBTX, USBRX);
    serial.printf("\r\nHello, world!");

    // Setting the key-value list up
    mydsc_kvp_t kvp;

    // Setting the callbacks up
    serial.attach(&on_rx, Serial::RxIrq);
    mydsc_kvp_append(&kvp, "delay",  &get_delay, &set_delay);
    serial.printf("\r\nOK > ");

    led = 1;

    while(1) {
        // Loop
        int result = 0;
        char* value = "";

        if (semaphore_input == true) {
            semaphore_input = false;
            strcpy(command_buffer, strtok(message," \015"));
            if (strcmp(command_buffer, "set") == 0) {
                strcpy(key_buffer, strtok(NULL," \015"));
                strcpy(value_buffer, strtok(NULL, " \015"));
                result = mydsc_kvp_set_value(&kvp, key_buffer, value_buffer);
                if (result != MYDSC_SUCCESS)
                    serial.printf("\r\nError: %s", mydsc_error[result]);
            else if (strcmp(command_buffer,"get") == 0) {
                strcpy(key_buffer, strtok(NULL," \015"));
                value = mydsc_kvp_get_value(&kvp,key_buffer);
                if (NULL != value)
                    serial.printf("\r\n%s", value);
                    serial.printf("\r\nError: %s", mydsc_error[MYDSC_KVP_NO_KEY]);
                else if (strcmp(command_buffer,"help") == 0) {
                    serial.printf("\r\nAvailable commands are: get help set");
                serial.printf("\r\nError: %s doesn't exist\r\n", command_buffer);
           serial.printf("\r\nOk > ");
        if (!delay_count) {
            led = !led;
            delay_count = delay;
        if (!semaphore_button)


Arm Limited. (2010). Cortex TM-M4 Devices Generic User Guide. Retrieved from http://www.arm.com

Chiarulli, D. M. (2005). Exceptions and Interrupts for the MIPS architecture. Retrieved March 25, 2020, from http://people.cs.pitt.edu/~don/coe1502/current/Unit4a/Unit4a.html

Oracle. (1995). What Is an Exception?. Retrieved March 25, 2020, from https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/exceptions/definition.html

Rouse, M. (2019). What is Asynchronous and What Does it Mean? Retrieved March 25, 2020, from https://searchnetworking.techtarget.com/definition/asynchronous